14 Benefits of Coffee

Ah, nothing beats the sweet smell and taste of coffee in the morning. However, should we really be drinking a cup each day?

54% of Americans drink coffee daily; in fact, coffee is the most drank beverage in the world. While some people drink coffee for energy or because they love the taste, it actually offers numerous health benefits.

Coffee is the world’s most popular beverage. It is grown in many countries, and comes in endless flavors, strengths, and varieties.  

And guess what? That’s perfectly fine. While many would have you to believe, drinking coffee is bad for you, the research shows otherwise. Coffee (in moderation) can actually be very beneficial to your body, skin, and brain.

Here are 14 of the many reasons you should start every day with a cup of coffee. …or Joe as it is commonly referred to in the United States.

#1 – It Provides You With a Wealth of Antioxidants

Most Americans get more antioxidants from coffee than they do from the food they eat. According to a 2005 study, nothing even comes close to providing the amount of antioxidants found in coffee. Yes, fruits and vegetables have a ton of really wonderful antioxidants. However, according to the study, your body absorbs the most antioxidants from coffee. So drink up!

#2 – It Can Help Relieve Stress

The great thing about coffee is you don’t even have to drink it to benefit from it. According to researchers at the Seoul National University, just smelling coffee is enough to help relieve stress. Please know this study was not related to stress itself. Instead, it was related to stress brought on by sleep deprivation. Therefore, when you need a quick pick me up at work as fatigue from lack of sleep hits; drink a cup of coffee to get you going.

#3 – It Can Decrease Your Chances of Developing Liver Cirrhosis

If you drink alcohol this is for you. In 2006, a study was done on 125,000 individuals over the age of 22. In the study, those who consumed just one cup of coffee a day were less likely to develop cirrhosis of the liver. Liver cirrhosis is an autoimmune disease caused by drinking alcohol in excess.

Coffee has protective benefits that can help guard against alcoholic cirrhosis. Those who consume more coffee are less likely to end up hospitalized, or dying, from liver cirrhosis brought on by drinking too much alcohol. Other studies have also shown nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can be preventing by drinking coffee.

#4 – It Can Keep Your Brain Healthy & Active For A Long Time

Want to keep your brain healthier for a longer period of time? Try drinking a cup, or two, of coffee a day. A study done by researchers at the University of Miami and the University of South Florida found that high levels of caffeine could actually delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease by up to 4 years. This was based on higher blood levels of caffeine found in individuals over the age of 65.

Please know this is not to say coffee consumption can prevent you from developing Alzheimer’s disease. However, based on the study, drinking a moderate amount of coffee on a regular basis can reduce ones risk of developing this debilitating disease.

#5 – It Can Make You Feel Happier

Feeling a little down and in the dumps? If so, a cup of coffee may be just what you need. The National Institute of Health performed a study on this very issue several years ago. During the study, doctors and researchers found individuals who drink a minimum of 4 cups of coffee a day were less likely to be depressed than those who avoided drinking coffee.

While most would think this is due to the “high” you get from drinking a cup of coffee, research shows that is not the case. You see, you can get the same exact “high” from drinking a can of soda. The difference however is that certain sodas are actually linked to depression.

Honglei Chen, MD, PhD, the doctor who authored this study, told Prevention.com that the reason researchers believe coffee makes you happy is due to the many antioxidants it contains. Soda on the other hand contains no antioxidants at all.

This is especially noticeable if you’ve been drinking coffee each day for a year and suddenly stop. You might experience a downshift in your mood, and only by drinking more coffee are you able to raise your spirits.

#6 – It Can Make You More Intelligent

Yes, you read that right. Drinking coffee can actually make you smarter. Generally speaking, people will drink a cup of coffee when they are feeling sluggish and sleep deprived. Doing so will often times give you that much-needed jolt that will help you stay alert for a few hours.

According to some reports, coffee does much more than give you an energy boost. It can also make you more intelligent. According to CNN, drinking coffee causes your brain to work more efficiently. The result? A smarter you!

Experts agree that when you drink caffeine your attention span, reaction time, logical reasoning, and vigilance will all improve. All four of these components are associated with overall intelligence, which is why it is believed coffee can make you smarter.

#7 – Coffee Can Reduce Your Risk Of Developing Diabetes

Over 9% of American’s now have diabetes, and the number one factor behind its development is a poor diet and overall bad lifestyle choices.

Although drinking too much coffee is itself a bad lifestyle choice, drinking a couple of cups daily is not only okay, it also reduces your risk of developing diabetes.

Scientists at Harvard School of Public Health evaluated data from 128,000 healthcare professionals who were surveyed about their diet choices for more than 20 years. During those two decades, 7,300 of them were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, but the ones who drank more than one cup of coffee daily, had an 11% lower risk for the disease.

#8 – Coffee Can Prevent Cavities

One main health benefit of coffee is that decreases tooth decay. Several studies have shown that roasted coffee beans are antibacterial against the S. mutans, the bacterium that causes tooth decay.

Studies also show that roasted coffee prevents the absorption of such bacteria by the teeth. In the studies, various types of coffee beans were used, both roasted and unroasted, Arabia and Robusta and while all of them provided similar benefits, the roasted varieties seemed to be more active in preventing bacteria from sticking to the teeth.

#9 – Coffee Is Good For Your Liver

Avoid alcohol and drink more coffee is the advice here. While the former can damage your liver beyond repair, the latter just wants to protect it.

#10 – Coffee Could Prevent Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is now one of the fastest growing cancers in the world, and more and more people each year are being diagnosed with it.

There are things you can do to cut your risk, and this includes drinking more coffee. Scientists have theorized that caffeine is responsible for this, though no final conclusion has yet been reached.

#11 – Coffee Improves Your Cardiovascular Health

We’re always being told that coffee is bad for our heart.

True, too much coffee is bad for your heart. If you drank 30 cups a day, as the great French writer Balzac was reported to have done, you are putting yourself at massive risk of having a heart attack. However, if you drink coffee each day in moderation, you can actually improve the health of your heart.

#12 – Coffee Strengthens Your DNA

You might be wondering why you’d need to strengthen your DNA. But why wouldn’t you?

DNA strands can break. To prevent this rather alarming thing from happening all too often, you could drink more coffee, as caffeine tightens DNA integrity.

#13 Coffee Is Rich In Antioxidants

Antioxidants are your body’s first line of defense against rogue free radicals, and coffee contains more than many fruits, including oranges and grapes.

#14 And, Yes, Coffee Could Help You Live Longer

Okay, let’s expand on that carrot at the top of this article. We’ll let Ming Ding, M.D. explain this one:

“Bioactive compounds in coffee reduce insulin resistance and systematic inflammation. They might be responsible for the inverse association between coffee and mortality. However, more studies are needed to investigate the biological mechanisms producing these effects.”

In short, there are many good reasons to drink coffee each day. 

Where’s the Barista?

How Much Coffee Should You Drink?

Too much caffeine can lead to anxiety, jitters, and insomnia. Portion control is important to reap the benefits of coffee without its negative effects. The Mayo Clinic says that adults can safely enjoy up to 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine daily. This amounts to about four cups of your average brew. However, keep in mind that caffeine content varies, for example, a 6-ounce coffee from Starbucks can have 200 mg more of caffeine than that served at Dunkin Donuts.

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