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You Can Lose Weight with These 9 Home Remedies


Real talk…

There are only two ways to lose weight naturally — by eating healthy and engaging in regular exercise. Cliche. I know. But that’s a fact.  There is simply no shortcut in losing weight.

But you’re probably wondering: If diet and exercise are the only way to lose weight, why bother writing this article? Well, because there are still some natural remedies that can help boost your weight loss. When you combine these home remedies WITH exercise and diet, it can speed up the process.

Remember, there are several contributing factors to losing and gaining weight. The home remedies listed below cover a wide range.  Then look at the recipes we’ve also included in this article.

Understanding your body

To fully understand how these natural remedies can help you lose weight, you have to understand the process that your body goes through when dropping some weight. 

So, to lose weight, you have to use up more energy (calories) than you take in. When you do this, your body will use the stored fat as energy, which makes the fat cells shrink. 

It’s worth noting that your weight doesn’t just depend on this factor. Your genetics and environment are also essential factors that affect your weight. 

Recipes for these home Remedies for Weight Loss

What you need to make Cinnamon Tea:

What to do:

  1. Put the cinnamon ground and stick in a mug. 
  2. Pour in 8 oz (230ml) of hot water.
  3. Steep for 15 minutes.
  4. Strain. 

What you need to make Ginseng tea:

What to do:

  1. Chopped the ginseng measuring out 1 teaspoon. (1 teaspoon of chopped ginseng per 1 cup of water)
  2. Let the water boil. Then, pour over the ginseng. 
  3. Let it steep for 8 minutes. 
  4. Strain. 
  5. Add honey or lemon if desired.

Drink once or twice a day. 

What you need to make Green Tea and Ginger:

What to do:

  1. Put the ginger and green tea in a sieve or strainer. 
  2. Pour in 230mL of hot water. 
  3. Steep for 3 to 4 minutes only. Steeping green tea for too long will leave your tea a bitter taste. 
  4. Add honey to sweeten your tea.

Drink one to two cups daily on an empty stomach. Avoid adding milk or sugar. 

What you need to make Rose Petal Flower Tea:

What you need:


You will need to use a pot with a tightly fitting lid

Make sure to use only fresh rose petals that haven’t been treated with any chemicals. 

What to do:

  1. Put the pot on the stove. 
  2. Add in the rose petals. 
  3. Add enough distilled water. 
  4. Cover the pot tightly with the lid. 
  5. Simmer until all the petals lose most of their color. This usually takes 15 to 20 minutes.
  6. Strain the liquid into a glass jar. You can keep this tea in the refrigerator for up to 6 days. 

Drink a cup of rose petal tea every morning on an empty stomach.

What you need to make Black Pepper and Lemon Juice:

What to do:

  1. Mix the water with lemon juice. 
  2. Sprinkle in black pepper (about 3-4 turns of the pepper grinder)

Drink only once a day after a meal. 

Chew gum

What you need:

Natural sugar-free gum

What to do:

When you feel the urge to eat unhealthy snacks, chew a piece of gum instead. 

Other Weight Loss Tips


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