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5 Ways to Cut 100 Calories


First, I say, congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs for winning the Super Bowl.

I definitely over-ate at our Super Bowl Party! Now, I will definitely be following these recommendations to keep my weight loss going. To date, I’ve lost 28 pounds and, of course, I want to keep on going.

Again, I will keep weighing myself to keep myself on track with losing weight. I’m also not going to fret if I see a pound or two come on, because I know that I did overeat. You can’t beat yourself up for those “special occasions”. But make sure that those “special occasions” are not frequent. I allow myself about three or four “special occasions” a year, where I eat what I want and do not feel guilty about it. The key is to get back on tract the following day, and stay there. Like you’ve read in my previous articles, weigh yourself daily, watch your carbs and bad fats, increase your activity level and follow the advice above, and you will see the pounds come off slowly but surely.

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